2000. Petrópolis, Brazil
Lives and works in Brasília
Júlia Mazzoni is an artist and researcher based in Brasília, Brazil. She reflects on human existence through a dialogue between drawing and embroidery, exploring the line as the main conceptual and visual element. By intertwining thoughts on intimacy and materiality, the artist reflects on threshold territories, between interior and exterior, private and public, personal and collective, from images of the body in the commonplace of everyday life and memory.
— MA Fine Art: Drawing (Distinction) | Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London
— BA in Visual Arts | University of Brasília
solo exhibitions
— Limiar (Limit) | Exhibition space in the annexes of the Planalto Palace, Brasília, Brazil
— Faces | Temporary exhibition of the installation in Praça dos Cristais, Brasília, Brazil
group exhibitions
— Unresolve | South London Gallery Clore Studio, London, UK
— ObraTêxtil (TextileWork) | Niterói Contemporary Art Museum (MAC Niterói), Niterói, Brazil
— Entre traços e sombras (Between traces and shadows) | Cultural Center of the Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil
— Converging Paths: Shared Visions | Studio 18, Millbank Tower, London, UK
— In-between | Peckham Levels, London, UK
— Ascertain | Espacio Gallery, London, UK
— MA Fine Art Postgraduate Show | Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK
— Water, Oil, Honey | The Crypt Gallery, London, UK
— Where We're Calling From | Copeland Gallery, London, UK
— Curation and Context: Identity | Studio 18, Millbank Tower, London, UK
— Intersecting Lines | Arts SU Gallery, Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK
— MA Fine Art: Drawing Pop Up Show | Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK
— Índigo (Indigo) | deCurators, Brasília, Brazil
— Fotos Sínteses (Photos Synthesis) | Latin American Culture House (CAL), Brasília, Brazil
— extas'e.1: exhibition of works in sonic art | Latin American Culture House (CAL), Brasília, Brazil
— In Touch 2022 | Czong Institute for Contemporary Art (CICA), Gimpo, South Korea
— Do Quarto pra Rua (From the room to the street) | Latin American Culture House (CAL), Brasília, Brazil
— A bordo em bordas (Aboard on edges) | Espaço Piloto Gallery, Brasília, Brazil
— Baleia (Whale) | Casa Abya Yala (BSB Plano das Artes), Vicente Pires, Brazil
— Olhares Dissonantes (Dissonant glances) | Online exhibition
— Exposição Coletiva de Fotografias do Centro-Oeste (Collective Exhibition of Photographs of the Central-West) | Photography Month Festival 2021, DF Plaza Shopping Cultural Space, Águas Claras, Brazil
— White Page Gallery, EmMeio#13 | Online exhibition, MediaLab/UnB
— 2ª Virtual Artistic Showcase | Online exhibition, Renato Russo Cultural Space
— Baleia: Mulheres nas Artes Visuais do DF e Entorno (Whale: women artists from the Federal District and surroundings) | Infinu Creative Community, Brasília, Brazil
art residencies
— UAL Summer Residency | Millbank Tower Podium, London, UK
— Baleia (Whale: women artists from the Federal District and surroundings) (Quarantine) | Book of the Baleia project. Visual output
— Pausa na Rede/Rascunhos Magazine, 3rd edition "Casa-mundo: (im)pressões artísticas em tempos de urgência" (Lineages) | Online publication, UFT/UFU, Tocantins, Uberlândia. Visual output
— Baleia (Whale) (Quarantine) | First edition of the zine publication: Circular Time. Visual output
curatorial projects
— In-between (Camberwell College of Arts’ MA Drawing group exhibition) | Peckham Levels, London, UK
— Moments of Stillness (Xuan Hew’s solo exhibition) | Peckham Levels, London, UK
— Intersecting Lines (Camberwell College of Arts’ MA Drawing group exhibition) | Arts SU Gallery Space, London, UK (collective curation)
lectures, interviews and public conversations
— Class for new MA Drawing students at Camberwell College of Arts | Presentation of the master's work for new course students, London, UK
— Ateliê Processos Film | Video about artistic process, produced by Ateliê Processos, Brasília, Brazil
— Round table “The place for sharing experiences between curators and new artists” | Online conversation, University Week of the University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
— “Circular a Arte Interviews Júlia Mazzoni” Podcast | Interview for the SG1 Zine, Brasília, Brazil
works in collections
— Casulo (Cocoon) (2023) | Chamber of Deputies of Brasilia’s Collection, Brasilia, Brazil
— Pedaços (Pieces) (2020) | Casa de Arruda’s Collection, Goiânia, Brazil
— Quarentena (Quarantine) (2022), 3/3 | Casa de Arruda’s Collection, Goiânia, Brazil
participation in art fairs
— 4th Goiás Art Fair FARGO | A Pilastra/BSB Plano das Artes Booth, Goiânia, Brazil