Júlia Mazzoni Sant'Anna
In-between reflects upon the idea of limits and their possibilities of expansion.
The world is composed of many threshold territories that can bring, at the same time, a sense of displacement and excitement: the horizon line that is in-between the land and the sky, the human body that is in-between interior and exterior, the physical spaces that are in-between public and private, the personal perception that is in-between past and present, and so forth. It is also filled with binaries in terms of environment, gender, presence, identity, territories, emotional states, physical spaces, among others.
This way, the space in-between is a place of transit composed by countless layers that, sometimes, untangle themselves and show the complex relationships of their existence. The exhibition brings together works of MA Drawing students that approach the same subject in a variety of perspectives, sharing their own perceptions of the idea of limits: between stillness and movement, public and private, art and life, past and present, human and nature, personal and collective, reality and fiction.
In-between aims to evoke the idea of thresholds and their possible reflections: what is placed in the middle? What is usually hidden and what is easily shown? How to deep dive into the countless layers that are present in these limits? We'd like to offer a space where these binaries are expanded; not ceasing to xist, but acknowledging their many layers and complexities. Instead of a division, we hope to evoke the in-between space as a possibility of encounter.
Júlia Mazzoni
(Texto curatorial da exposição In-between, que aconteceu no Studio 5 do Peckham Levels, em Londres, de 17 de julho a 19 de julho de 2024)